Home :: 38- 2-Cycle Carburetion : Carburetor Kits, Fuel Lines, Fuel Filters Chain Saw, Blowers, String Trimmers
:: Robin,Fuji Robin,Tazz,Subaru
Kit Carburetor Walbro D1-wy |
Replaces the following part numbers
Robin,Fuji Robin,Tazz,Subaru 38-6568
Fits Robin Trimmer Models
EC-01E,01ER,01R With Walbro Carburetor WY-35,61
EC-02 With Walbro Carburetor WY-27,36
EC-02R With Walbro Carburetor WY-10,22
EC-02E With Walbro Carburetor WY-19B,25A
EC-02EH With Walbro Carburetor WY-34
EC-02EF With Walbro Carburetor WY-32
EC-02EHR With Walbro Carburetor WY-58,60,WYJ-1
EC-02ER With Walbro Carburetor WYP-5A,WY-22,26A,29<37,38,44
EC-02F With Walbro Carburetor WY-31
EC-03F With Walbro Carburetor WY-30A
NB-23M With Walbro Carburetor WY-17
Catalog Number 6568 |