Home :: 31-Ignition Batteries, Points, Condensers, Coils, Solenoids, Switches, Relays, Regulators, Fuses, Battery Cables&terminals, Wire, Battery Hold Downs
:: Red Max
Electronic Transistorized Ignition |
Replaces the following part numbers
Red Max 17571500
REPLACES 175071500 1750-71500 516519601 5165-19601
Nova II. New improved smaller size. Transistorized ignition. Already In Use By OEM's As Standard Ignition In Their Units. Maintenance Free. Easily Installed Quick And Easy Starting (Will Fire At Low Rpm's). Operates Well In Any Weather Conditions And Completely Waterproof. Highly Reliable. Durable Construction. High Performance. Anti-Kickback System. Die Cast Aluminum Housing. Widely used in 4 and 2 cycle gasoline engines as in Lawnmowers, Generators, Pumps, Cultivators, Tillers, Compact Garden Tractors, Chain Saws, Brush Cutters, Dusters, Trimmers, Go-Carts, Blowers, etc. The NOVA Module is suitable for 2 leg and 3 leg ignition coils in single cylinder engines. This module is not recommended for use on engines equipped with battery ignition or flywheels with multiple magnets.
Catalog Number 8786 |