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:: McCulloch
Mcculloch Starter Assembly Includes 301253 Starter Pulley |
Replaces the following part numbers
McCulloch 83876 301253
This is starter assembly number 94325 223842 214175 216491 fits McCulloch chain saw models
310 320 330 340 390 Eager Beaver 2.1
Most people don't need the complete assembly.
The part that you need may be the starter pulley only,
that fits most all small McCulloch chain saws you can confirm this by looking at our PDF manuals.
The pulley only part numbers are 213261-01, 213261 83876 301253 213257 223835 92316. Note the pulley by its self went obsolete years ago but i do have a few of these complete assemblies left. The pulley in this assembly fits 100 thru 300 series chain saws. and Mini Mac 6 and Power Mac 6
So if you need the pulley only just remove it from the assembly and throw the rest away.
See our PDF files to find your model to confirm part number.
Catalog Number 9223 |