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Electronic Ignition Module (trigger) For John Deere Kawasaki And Stihl Single Terminal

Replaces the following part numbers

Stihl 1118 400 1001

Replaces Stihl Ignition Trigger Unit 1118-400-1001 AND 1118-400-1004
This is a new cross reference. Customers have told me it works great on many Stihl Models including
009 010 011 012 020 030 031 032 050 051 076 084 BG17 FS200 FS202 SG17 TS510 TS760
NOTES this should replace the trigger on the above models that came out with electronic ign. and also models that came out with points.
When installing on models with points remove all wires going to points and condenser then connect only the small coil wire and kill switch wire to module.
Mount in a cool location with a good ground.
Note will not work on Stihl 031 points model due to timing difference. But it will work on Stihl 031 electronic model.
*Note if you have any kick back as you try to start the saw try removing flywheel key and rotate the flywheel clockwise 1 full key way width to see if it stops kicking back. You may need to use some valve lapping compound to lap the flywheel to the crankshaft for a better compression fit. This may also work with the 031 with points but I have not confirmed that yet.
A customer confirmed that it will also work on the Stihl 032 with the blue condenser he mounted the trigger unit to the ignition coil.

Your Price   16.26
Electronic Ignition Module (Trigger) for John Deere Kawasaki and Stihl Single Terminal  
Catalog Number 9334